Some people have very limited reading and numeracy skills, which prevents them from integrating into society and the labour market. Migrants and refugees who are new to Europe and are supposed to immerse themselves in the culture of their host countries are also often affected. During the preparation of the project proposal, four areas of work were identified for which the need for specialised solutions should be met. These are the construction, cleaning and tourism sectors, as well as care, because in these sectors there are job opportunities for low-skilled people, provided they have basic reading, arithmetic and communication skills. The overall aim of this project is to promote literacy and numeracy skills and to address the specificities of each area of work. The project will be implemented as an online continuing education programme that will also enable mobile use. This should give as many interested people as possible the opportunity to benefit from the project results.

Topic areas:

  • Integration of refugees, migrants and minorities
  • Literacy and basic education
  • Employability

More information is available on the project website.